Beverly Smith
One of the most respected players in old time music today, Beverly Smith is in demand as a singer, song writer, fiddler and dance caller, as well as a banjo, mandolin and guitar player. Besides her highly praised recordings of early country duets with Carl Jones, Alice Gerrard and John Grimm, her guitar playing has been featured on recordings of fiddlers Bruce Molsky, Rafe Stefanini, Tara Nevins and Matt Brown, and her singing with Mick Moloney, John Doyle, Laurie Lewis and others. Along with June Drucker, Rose Sinclair and Tara Nevins, she was a founding member of The Heartbeats Rhythm Quartet. She played for many years with Bruce Molsky and Rafe Stefanini as Big Hoedown, and with Rafe, John Herrmann and Meredith McIntosh as The Rockinghams. She is known as a thorough, humorous, kind and patient teacher and has taught guitar, fiddle, singing and dance at Ashokan Southern Week, Augusta Heritage, Swannanoa Gathering, Blue Ridge Old-Time Music Week, Festival of American Fiddle Tunes and Summer Acoustic Music Week as well as Sore Fingers UK; Haapavesi, Finland; Nimble Fingers, British Columbia; and La Fuente del Musica in Spain. She has been a featured guest on A Prairie Home Companion, ETown, Mountain Stage and Voice of America, has toured extensively in both the US and the UK, and has played concert halls and festivals all over Europe, Canada and the US. Her guitar playing was featured in the October 2000 issue of Acoustic Guitar Magazine. She co-directs the Roots of American Music Week in Mars Hill, N.C and is happy to call Marshall, NC home.