The Northeast Gathering invites you to spend
a weekend with Meher Baba
at Beloved Archives
116 Youngs Road, Hamilton, New Jersey
Sat., May 18, 2024 - 10 AM to 7:00 PM
Sun., May 19, 2024 - 9:30 AM to Noon
Join us for a get-together to bask in Meher Baba’s Love as we connect with each other.
Featured speakers:
Naosherwan Nalavala
Margaret Bernstein
Musical guests:
Toni Paterniti
Margaret Bernstein
Plus: The New Jersey Bhajan Group will perform a mix of
bhajans, dance, instrumental music, and standup comedy!
On Saturday, a continental breakfast, snacks throughout the day, and an early dinner will be served.
On Sunday, a continental breakfast will be served.
Event Fee: $50.
(Meal and snacks will be provided; you will need to obtain overnight lodging on your own. A list of local hotels will be provided when you register.)
Registration is required.
Deadline is May 4, 2024, but please register early as space is limited.
Questions? Call Rick Lawton at 570-855-0801
Free transportation from New York City will be provided if requested -- Call Paul Fusco at 631-897-1125
(Stay tuned about our Fall 2024 Northeast Gathering in Warwick, NY -- information coming soon!!)