NE Gathering for Meher Baba

Spring Weekend

at Beloved Archives

116 Youngs Road, Hamilton Township, NJ

Sat., May 3, 2025 - 10 AM to 6:15 PM

Sun., May 4, 2025 - 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Featured speaker:

Allan Cohen

            Allan first learned of Meher Baba in 1964. Soon after, taking LSD while reading Baba’s Discourses and believing that he had reached the sixth plane, he wrote to Kitty Davy, ultimately resulting in a direct response from Meher Baba. At Baba’s urging, Allan gave up his drug use and became an “apostle” in redirecting Americans away from the physical, mental, and spiritual harm of psychedelic drugs. The  drug work was deemed so important by Baba that Allan and several other “Baba-boys” dedicated to the same goal remained in constant communication with Him even throughout times of His intense seclusion.

            Allan eventually became one of the top experts in the field of drug prevention. He enjoys continued collaboration with other Baba lovers, enjoys speaking and sharing at live and virtual Baba groups, and remains deeply involved in a broad scope of Sufi activities and service programs. (Click here to learn more.)

Musical guest:

Doug Stalker

Doug Stalker first came to Baba after seeing the "Ancient One" poster in his favorite bookstore in Albany, NY.  Fifty-three years later, he continues to try to be worthy and to please his Divine Beloved.

 He is presently recording part two of his rock opera, "Jerusalem — A Symphonic Saga." He is also 6,000 verses into a long poem, a metaphor for his inner life with Meher Baba, called, "At the Adelphi.... a Cosmic Nursery Rhyme."

Plus: The New Jersey Bhajan Group will perform

a mix of songs and dances dedicated to Baba.

Vegetarian food options will be available throughout the Gathering. On Saturday, a continental breakfast, snacks throughout the day, and a hearty lunch will be served.

On Sunday, a continental breakfast will be served.

If you would like overnight lodging, a list of local hotels will be provided to you when you register.

Event Fee:  $50.

(For financial assistance, contact David Harman at 610-348-7511)

Registration is required. 

Questions?  Call Rick Lawton at 570-855-0801

For those who need assistance with transportation, call Paul Fusco at 631-897-1125.

(Also, save the date: Our Fall 2025 Northeast Gathering will be held once again in Warwick, NY Sept. 19-21, 2025.)